Oscar Orduno Featured in Blue Book’s the Who’s Who Magazine

Recently, our founder, Oscar Orduno, was interviewed and highlighted in The Blue Book Network Who’s Who Magazine. The Blue Book Building and Construction Network is the largest and most active network in the commercial construction industry.

Featured on the cover as “A Watertight Business”, the article explores how Oscar has led the company by jumping right into the deep end on the company’s first project – a $2.7 billion shotcrete construction project over six years ago.

Oscar explains some of the companies methodologies including having engineers on the staff. He says, “An in-house engineering firm was a must-have. Having in-house engineering allows us to innovate, optimize designs, and make us more competitive.”

If you’d like to read the cover story, you can do so here:

A Watertight Business – Oscar Orduno is Putting Down Deep Roots in Big Texas Projects


If you have any questions about any of our projects or services, please contact us.